Thursday, November 21, 2019

How to be successful in life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

How to be successful in life - Essay Example However, there are certain principles towards attainment of a successful living that are leading a healthy life, keeping ambitions and struggling towards attainment of these ambitions and planning, all these should be adopted by everyone in order to live a life that is accomplishing. Firstly, one must be healthy, secondly proper actions should be taken towards accomplishment of set goals and thirdly, planning should be there to be successful in life. All these lead to be successful in life. To lead a successful life requires one to be healthy first of all. In my consideration, healthy living is a successful living, which is the first principle to be successful in life. One should have healthy habits if he wants to be successful in life. From our childhood, we have listened to a quote by Benjamin Franklin narrated by our parents that is â€Å"Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.† Being healthy requires one to take proper sleep, take meals on proper time, have a balanced diet, do exercises and adopt everything that is healthy in life. Such a person will have good health and will not be troubled with health issues and will have a healthy mind to think over issues of life. Such a person will make good decisions and will have ample time to think over problems. Time is more precious than anything else and healthy living allows us to utilize all the available time without wasting it (Babson 78). The other principle to get closer to successful living is to do something towards fulfillment of ambitions. It means that we have to act in order to get (Watson 2004). Ben Franklin gives a quote, â€Å"God helps those who help themselves†. To be successful requires one to be sincere with himself. When a person is sincere with himself, he will keep aspirations and will work towards fulfillment of his set aspirations. Our actions speak about our set ambitions and our actions are informative as what we

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