Friday, December 20, 2019

A Critical Comparison of Gothic Architecture in Italy,...

Gothic was first used as a term of contempt during the late renaissance. The Goths were barbarians- which leads to many theories as to why Goth was the chosen title for a style that required extreme engineering as well as technical and artistic know how. Since then vast efforts have been made to rename the style with a term that better encompasses the idea of gothic style. The Gothic style was an over exaggerated, awe-inspiring attempt to become closer to God. The worshipper was not only drawn to the altar, but experienced an ascent to heaven at the same time.1 These artistic gems are a grand testament to historical technology and the imaginative approach and vision of skilled craftsmen. The gothic style is one of the most†¦show more content†¦(Figure 1.2) Abbot Suger, head of St. Denis Abbey, believed that St. Denis should be the spiritual center of France. He also felt that St. Denis should be the pilgrimage church to outshine all others as well as provide a focal point for all religious and patriotic emotion for the French people. 3 He had grand visions for his church, which were carried out by an anonymous master builder. Through the use of sketching techniques (the ability to create fast, understandable views of objects with only a pencil and a piece of paper- still used by engineers, designers, architects, builders, and craftsmen, today), the French had developed greater animation in their gothic decoration than their followers. They emphasized soaring heights and light qualities that were later adopted across Europe. The French flying buttresses became so elaborate that they had the appearance of being purely ornamental, which led to this period being coined flamboyant. Although many areas of Europe had accepted and adopted the style, the French buildings were generally vaster and more commanding in scale. (Figure 1.3) Outside France the regional adaptations of the style are much less distinctive. In Germany the gothic expression was slow to evolve. This evolution from the beginning was a mesh of pieces borrowed from the French. One theory about this slow evolution is that, in the 12th century Germany possessed a Romanesque architectural style, which was well suited toShow MoreRelatedThe Basilica Of St Denis2337 Words   |  10 Pagesthis essay I intend to compare and contrast the Basilica of St. Sernin and Basilica of St Denis in France with references to how they differ structurally (as Romanesque and Gothic buildings respectively) followed by critical analysis of the advancements in architectural construction methods. The progression in architectural capability from Romanesque to Gothic led to a change in how religious architecture was approached spatially, with far greater emphasis on the use of light and a desire for greater

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